

  • Ideal Home Showcases Modern Custom Modular Cabinets at Worldbex (2018)
  • Ideal Home Modular Cabinet Exhibit at Worldbex (2016)
  • Ideal Home Modular Cabinets Exhibit at Worldbex (2014)
  • Real Living Magazine Exhibit (2013)

Ideal Home Modular Cabinet Exhibit at Worldbex (2016)


Ideal Home, now, the emerging leader in the modular cabinet industry, once again participates in Worldbex Trade Show last March 16-20, 2016.


Ideal Home announced their new product, Polymer Board, a new substitute for marine plywood. Polymer board can be laminated in various patterns and applied to as decorative panels, wall cladding, ceiling and cabinetry works. Not only is it water-resistant, it is also termite-resistant and flame retardant. To exhibit the product’s promise, Ideal Home have submerged a piece of polymer board in water throughout the whole duration of expo, the board shows no damage and remains intact until the end of the show.


Along with the new product, Ideal Home introduced a build-your-own-modular-cabinet concept to encourage DIY fanatics and contractors to build their own. Cabinet doors, sliding doors and countertops etc. can be pre-fabricated in Ideal Home’s plant and delivered to your doorstep for hassle-free installation.


The company continues to evolve and research on products that would benefit the consumers and the environment.